I went for a walk this morning.
Nothing much to write about there you might think, but it’s the first walk I’ve done for quite a while.
I won’t go into the whys, but I haven’t been doing much at all really. I get up in the morning and walk the seven steps from my bedroom to my office. Occasionally I’ll walk into the kitchen to get coffee and/or food and come back.
As you can imagine, I’ve put on a bit of weight, which of course has been making the whole cycle worse.
But I’m starting to turn it around.
I’ve taken steps to get everything back in control, one of which is to get out every morning to do some exercise. Hence the walk this morning.
On the way out the door I automatically reached for my camera. But I knew if I took the camera I’d keep stopping to take photos, and the walk would become a photo session rather than just a walk. As this was the first excursion out for a while I wanted to concentrate on the walk, so I decided to leave the camera at home.
Of course, a walk can never just be a walk.
All the way along the lake I saw things I wanted to photograph. Luckily I had my phone with me. Unluckily it’s an iPhone, which means the camera on it is crap. But it’s better than nothing.
So here are some of the photos I took this morning. Even with the poor quality of the iPhone you can see how relaxing it is.
This is my local lake and I don’t have to go far to be able to walk around it or just sit and watch the water. With that in my back yard, how could I feel anything other than good!