Walking on the bottom of the lake
Walking on the bottom of the lake

Walking on the bottom of the lake

Walking on the bottom of the lake“Torches!” Doc exclaimed as we were driving down the Hume Highway. “I forgot the torches.”

Those of you who follow this blog regularly will know that just about every time we come to the farm we forget something. At least torches aren’t essential – we always keep a couple of spares down there and there’s solar lighting in the house. Little did I know just how essential the torches were going to be, but more of that in a day or so.

It wasn’t until we were unpacking that I discovered the most essential thing that we forgot.

“Where’s my camera bag?”

Trees that haven't seen the light of dayMy camera bag not only has all my camera gear, but also my computer – hence these blogs all appearing a few days after the fact. Lucky I still had my compact camera so could take some photos at least.

I tried to convince myself that it was a good chance to just kick back and relax. Without the camera I could just enjoy looking at things and drinking in the serenity. After all, I have lots of photos of the farm already.

It didn’t work. I couldn’t stop looking at things like they were potential photos. To make it worse a friend had come along for her first visit. Of course, it was all new to her so she was taking lots of photos. It was all I could do to stop myself taking over her camera. And I only once asked her to take a photo of something for me.  I thought I did very well, but maybe the others would disagree. It doesn’t matter if they do – I’m the one with the blog that gets to write the story!

FossilsOf course, being her first visit we had to take Deb down to the dam. I’m constantly amazed by how much the dam changes from visit to visit. It’s now very, very low. Parts where we were swimming in summer we can now walk across, and there are things exposed that haven’t seen light for many years – including lots of fossils.

I’m not a fossil expert so I don’t really know what I was looking at, or how old they are. But the imprints of small creatures were obvious in the rocks. It was almost like they’d been photographed and etched they were that clear. It’s not something I would normally notice, so it’s always great when you have fresh eyes to point things like that out. We always love coming to the farm, but showing somebody new around really highlights what a great place it is, and stops us taking things for granted.

Given that a picture paints a thousand words, here are some photos of the dam in its many moods.