The Secret Garden, Lavender Bay
The Secret Garden, Lavender Bay

The Secret Garden, Lavender Bay

The Secret Garden, Lavender Bay (17)Frances Hodgson Burnett knew the value of a secret garden to retreat to as a place to revatilise the soul.

The Secret Garden (or Wendy Whiteley’s Secret Garden) is a landmark at Lavender Bay. Started by Wendy Whitely around 20 years ago on derelict land owned by Rail Corp, it’s now an oasis perched on the shores of Sydney Harbour.

It’s not just a garden for the community, but it creates a sense of community. Not only do visitors exclaim at its beauty, but they stop and talk to strangers – not something that happens often in the hustle and bustle of busy lives.

Get off the ferry at Milsons Point (Lunar Park) and walk westwards around the bay. Walk through the first archway under the railway line on your right, go up the steps and there you are. If the first words out of your mouth aren’t “Isn’t this beautiful” I’ll be surprised.