I think I’ve mentioned Doc recently had shoulder surgery.
And that means recuperating time. At home. Where I am. 24 hrs a day.
Men make terrible patients!
It started before he went to hospital. He had to get his affairs in order – just in case. But of course he left it until the last minute. Friday morning, before going to the hospital for a noon admission, he was busily writing his will. Unfortunately there weren’t two people just hanging around to witness it for him. It’s written on a proper will kit though. I wonder if it’s legal?
When we did get to the hospital and he was lying in bed in his oh so fetching hospital gown and red (for morphine allergy) cap, waiting for the anaesthetist, he suddenly realised he hadn’t written a power of attorney for me. Just in case something happened. Fortunately I had a notebook and pen in my purse for just such emergencies. Unfortunately, again, there wasn’t anybody around to witness it for him.
I still have it. If it’s legal I just might get him declared incompetent!
Once he’d had his pre-op medication things got really interesting.
He lay in bed, barely coherent, going through the list of things that had to be done – just in case. He held my hand, pulled me close, and looked deep into my eyes. “You’ll be ok.” He said “And just remember, whatever happens, it’s been fun.” Then he added “Some of your soups have been shit. But it’s been fun.”
How romantic, and reassuring.
While he was in surgery I went home and made him some soup.
So, a couple of weeks later, after putting up with him being bored – and telling me about it constantly – I suggested we go out to the farm for a few days.
“But I can’t do anything” Doc protested
“That’s ok” I said “There’s nothing much for you to do. We can just relax for a few days.”
I suggested I might dig up the garden along the back of the house and get it ready for planting. That would be easy, the garden’s already there so it’s just a matter of digging it up and straightening the rocks along the border and putting in some compost. I can do that on my own, and even if he decided to help it doesn’t require a lot of effort.
On the drive down Doc decided to call in and get some garden mix. “Oh good,” I thought “that’ll be good for the soil”.
When he got a trailer full of mix I started getting concerned “While we’re here we might as well dig up a garden in the back for some natives.” he said.
What happened to taking it easy???
So over the few days we were there we mowed the grass (this is not your standard ¼ acre block), cleared away some big logs, dug the garden along the back of the house, and dug up a new garden in the back corner. 4m x 1.8m of thick, lush grass is gone, and with the addition of a trailer load of garden mix is now a lovely garden bed waiting to be planted with natives – scented ones apparently.
We also have the beginnings of a compost heap on the other side of the yard. Fortunately we only had limited wood or I’m sure he would have built that up high as well.
Oh, and we had to repair the fence. Doc thought it would be easier to drag the logs through the fence than across the yard and out through the gates to the side paddock. But the fence wire has been repaired now, so it’s almost like new.
And, it might surprise you to know, Doc’s shoulder hurts.