The best/worst of 2011 lists are starting to come out, so I’ve decided to compile my own personal best list.
It’s not definitive, nor does it really have a theme. It’s just some of the things that I liked, or that annoyed me, in 2011. Any other suggestions are welcome.
The best thing I did in 2011:
That one was easy – travelled to Cape York. In case you missed it, Doc & I took 7 weeks and drove to Cape York, taking in the Old Telegraph Track on the way. We came back via the Gulf and Central Queensland, where I discovered the “Beautiful one day, perfect the next tag” is more pertinent away from the coast. We found some gems, such as the Eulo Mud Baths, that we didn’t know existed and which fuelled a desire to get back up that way soon. And it taught me about the romance of camping.
The worst thing I did in 2011:
This was hard. Not because I haven’t done anything bad, but because most bad things have a flip side which can be very good. Moving away from my children was the hardest thing I’ve done – possibly in my life. But moving in with Doc is the flip side of that, and that’s good.
My youngest was 19 when I moved out, and I go up there once a week to see them and do business so it’s not as if I’ve completely abandoned them. But still … my mother’s guilt really kicks in on this one. And I just miss them – terribly, even their whinging and their mess.
The person/thing which annoyed me the most
So many to choose from! This year seemed to be a big one for whingers. It felt like everybody was whinging about how hard done by they were, and the more they had the more they whinged. Politicians, CEOs of major companies on millions of dollars a year, people on “average” incomes of $150,000 – everybody was getting in on the act. But I think the gong goes to our political leaders – for the first time in a long time they made me not want to be a part of it. I’ve spent many, years working with politicians and bureaucrats on behalf of people who can be truly disadvantaged (single parent families), and loving the process of politics. But this year, with all the crap they all carry on with, I’ve given up. I want to deal with adults, not people who carry on like spoilt, bickering children.
But wait – there’s been a late entry! I’ve just walked outside and discovered that somebody has stolen the Christmas tree off my front lawn. I live in a cul-de-sac and the only people who come down this way live here. So Merry Christmas to that person who just contributed to the decline in social capital and neighbourly trust, you take the gold medal for being the most annoying prat of the year!!
Most overrated things of 2011:
This one is a toss up between two things that are so close you couldn’t get a Higgs boson between them.
First would have to be The Slap on ABC TV. I didn’t read the book, but with all the hype I was really looking forward to the TV series. I watched one episode. It was crap. Overwritten, overhyped, and just generally overdone. Do people really care that much?
And then there’s Quade Cooper. Do I really have to explain this one?
I’m sure there will be more. If anybody has any other suggestions let me know.