We’re back on the farm.
You might have noticed the absence of stories about the farm over the past couple of years. For reasons I won’t go into I didn’t go down there for a while, and the few times I did I didn’t really feel like writing about it. It’s only in the last six months that I’ve really got into it again.

With all the travel restrictions this year it was difficult to get away anywhere. Definitely no outback travel. But as soon as travel restrictions were lifted within NSW, we were on the road. Three times in 3 successive weeks in fact. In the middle of winter. With ice and fog hanging around well into late morning, and overnight temperatures below zero.
Even though it’s a great place to relax, there’s always work to do at the farm. Each of those three weeks we cut and collected firewood for home. Harvesting one very large red gum tree that had fallen.
I’m sure somebody who’s into woodwork just started crying at the thought of burning all that beautiful wood, but I can tell you, it burns hot. Our whole house was very snug all through winter.

And there’s always something to be done to maintain or upgrade the old farmhouse we ‘camp’ in. Doc’s thought is that the farm is a good alternative to actual camping when we get to ‘a certain age’ (which is still faaaaar in the future, but it’s never too early to start getting ready ).
Over the many years he’s been going down there Doc has done a lot of work to make it comfortable and sustainable. He’s installed tanks to collect rainwater, a couple of solar panels to provide lighting and enough electricity to charge all our devices, gas for a stove and refrigerator, and a drop toilet so nobody has to go and ‘dig a hole’ in the middle of the night. We’ve added comfortable beds and mattresses, outdoor furniture, a dining table and chairs, and a gas operated shower.

There’s even a ride on mower so we can cut the grass. Now we have a nice lawn all around the house. And a garden. Between the garden at home that I’m extending, and the garden at the farm I sometimes feel gardening is taking over my life!!!
I took my ‘travelling’ coffee machine down there this weekend, but sadly the inverter wasn’t powerful enough to operate it. I guess we need a bigger inverter. There’s nothing like having the comforts of home.
It’s also a great place to practice using my drone. During the lockdown I got my drone license but other than the farm I haven’t had much opportunity to practice. I want to use the drone more in my travels so whenever it’s not too windy I get out the drone. There’s nobody else around down there, so nobody to annoy.
I will catch up on some of the stories of life on the farm, but for now, enjoy some of the photos and video of the changing seasons.