The Botanic Gardens – an oasis in the heart of Sydney
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The Botanic Gardens – an oasis in the heart of Sydney

Botanic Gardens CreekIs there a better place in spring than a garden? All the better when it has a team of professional horticulturalists and gardeners to keep it looking beautiful.

And as an added bonus, during my walk around the Botanic Gardens in Sydney I came across the “Contact Garden”.

It’s a garden with native plants that the Cadigal (local Aboriginal) people used to eat or use for medicinal or other purposes. It’s built by the Botanic Gardens Creek – a fresh water creek that was as important as the Tank Stream in providing fresh water for the inhabitants.

It also has story boards telling how Aboriginal people lived both pre- and post-contact, and how white settlement changed the natural environmental balance.

There’s an Aboriginal guided tour of the gardens on Fridays, so I might try that this week. In the meantime – here’s some photos.