Travelling with the Taj Mahal of toilets
Travelling with the Taj Mahal of toilets

Travelling with the Taj Mahal of toilets

We can go anywhere in the bush in comfortI’ve told you about the Lovedale Long Lunch, now let me go back to the beginning …

In the beginning there was … a toilet.

On our last outback trip Helen’s knees caused her problems – particularly trying to crouch in the bushes. Doc, bless him, told her about the system he uses at the farm. A milk crate with a hole cut in the top and a toilet seat tied onto it.

Helen, bless her, thought it was a fabulous idea, so off she went and got herself a milk crate. She then took it to a friend of hers and asked him to cut a hole in it for her. He, bless him, not only cut a hole, but build the Taj Mahal of milk crate toilets.

So now we have a fabulous toilet system that doesn’t put strain on Helen’s knees while out bush camping. The only problem is it has to be transported from place to place. I refuse to have it in the car, so here is what we look like driving down the highway.

At least that’s what we looked like until somebody in Goondiwindi sabotaged the toilet. We were back on the road, driving towards St George when I felt and heard something happen. I looked in the rear vision mirror and the side mirrors to check the car and saw the Taj Mahal of toilets bouncing and rolling down the highway. Somebody had cut the ockie strap!!!

Sabotaged at GoondiwindiSo now the toilet looks like this:

At least we still have it!