Australia, a land of extremes
Australia, a land of extremes

Australia, a land of extremes

DroughtAustralia really is a land of extremes, and vicious weather cycles. Of drought and flooding rain is right.

I notice this much more since I’ve been going to the farm, where weather cycles can make or break people. Nowhere is it better demonstrated than these photos taken in January then again in April this year.

The first two are of the same hill in the paddock beside the house, just taken from a different angle.

In the second two photos you can see the level of water in the dam has barely changed, but the hills are so much greener.

January 2014 - the hill by the house
January 2014 – the hill by the house
April 2014 - the hill beside the house
April 2014 – the hill beside the house
January 2014 - the view of the dam
January 2014 – the view of the dam


April 2014 - the view of the dam
April 2014 – the view of the dam